Personal Coaching


For many years I have been accompanying and looking after young people who are enthusiastic about photography, for example: B. in workshops, courses and seminars, or in private coaching. Many of them studied at art colleges or – without a degree – dared to take the “leap” into self-employment.

If you cannot take part in a workshop, seminar or course, i offer you the opportunity to take part in private coaching or a consultation.

In the coaching, all technical and artistic topics relating to analog and digital photography are addressed and worked through – possibly according to a mutually agreed work plan – theoretically and practically.

The focus will be on the subject of image composition and finding your own “visual language”.

A consultation, e.g. B. in preparation for an application or an entrance exam is possible. You can ask questions and / or we develop a concept so that they can optimize their artistic work, or which will be the prerequisite for implementing private coaching.

If you are interested, please feel free to call me or send me an email.